Dr. Adham Jurdi is an oncologist in Austin, Texas and is affiliated with St. David’s Medical Center. He received his medical degree from Beirut Arab University Faculty of Medicine and has been in practice between 11-20 years. Dr. Adham Jurdi accepts Aetna, Humana, Blue Cross, United Healthcare – see other insurance plans accepted. Dr. Adham Jurdi is highly recommended by patients.
Oncologists diagnose and treat cancers of all types. They are skilled at using diagnostic tools, including biopsies, endoscopies, x-rays and other imaging. Although they seem similar, cancer surgeons specialize in removing tumors. Medical oncologists treat cancers with chemotherapy. Radiation oncologists use various forms of radiation to treat tumors.
Gastrointestinal Cancer
Hematologic Oncology
Thoracic Cancer
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