Dr. Zaineb Makhzoumi, MD is a Dermatologist in Baltimore, MD and Millersville, MD. They attended medical school at University Of Maryland School Of Medicine in 2008. They are affiliated with Baltimore VA Medical Center and Walter P. Carter Center. Their offices are located in 419 W Redwood St 260, Baltimore, MD and 5890 Waterloo Rd, Columbia, MD 21045.
William Straff
a year agoTo Dr. Makhzoumi and her staff are friendly, caring and professional. I've had MOHS surgery three times and each time have been treated with excellent care. You're the best. Also, to Dr. Jampel, Thank you for caring! ; Have a wonderful retirement.
E Summer Moon
6 years agoDr. Makhzoumi is the best dermatologist I have encountered! For years, over 15, I've had trouble with my skin - with several false diagnoses. Dr. Makhzoumi listened to my concerns and actually got to the root of the problem! She's caring, professional, and has a great staff! I hope she never retires!