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Content Guidelines

Building a Trustworthy and Respectful Community

At Rakwa, we are committed to fostering a trustworthy and respectful environment for our users. Our content guidelines are designed to ensure that all information on our platform is authentic, relevant, and respectful of our community’s values.

  1. Cultural Sensitivity and Respect: We encourage content that respects the cultural nuances of the Arab American community and Arab residents in Turkey. Any form of hate speech, discrimination, or culturally insensitive remarks is strictly prohibited.
  2. Authentic Experiences: Reviews and content should be based on genuine, first-hand experiences. We discourage the posting of reviews for one’s own business or competitors.
  3. Relevance and Helpfulness: Content should be relevant to the business and provide helpful insights for other users. Irrelevant or off-topic content will be subject to removal.
  4. No Incentivized Reviews: To maintain the integrity of our reviews, we prohibit businesses from offering incentives in exchange for reviews.
  5. Community Moderation: We empower our community to report content that violates these guidelines, helping us maintain a safe and trustworthy platform.
  6. Language and Communication: While we embrace the diversity of languages in our community, we encourage clear and respectful communication in all interactions on our platform.

By adhering to these guidelines, we aim to create a positive and supportive environment for all our users. We appreciate your cooperation in upholding these standards and contributing to a vibrant and trustworthy community on Rakwa.