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Dr. Ashraf works in Dallas, TXย  specializes in Internal Medicine. Dr. Ashraf is affiliated with Parkland Memorial Hospital.

An internist like Dr. Asma Mohamed Ashraf M.d. is a physician who has completed an internal medicine residency and is board-certified or board-eligible in an internist specialty. Internists are trained to care for adults of all ages for many different medical conditions. An internist typically monitors chronic physical conditions, identifies acute diseases, provides family planning, provides counseling about wellness and disease prevention, etc.

Asma Ashraf isย enrolled in PECOSย and is eligible to order or refer healthcare services for Medicare patients. The provider is eligible to order or refer: Part B Clinical Laboratory and Imaging, Durable Medical Equipment (DME), a Home Health Agency (HHA) and Power Mobility Devices

Asma Ashraf isย registered with Medicareย andย accepts claims assignments, this means the provider accepts Medicare’s approved amount for the cost of rendered services as full payment. Participating providers may not charge Medicare beneficiaries more than Medicare’s approved amount for their services. Medicare beneficiaries still have to pay a coinsurance or copayment amount for a visit or service. According to Medicare claims data she has hospital affiliations with Medical City Plano.




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